Eyes of a dog.

Rundum.dog — the blog for dog lovers

At www.rundum.dog pro­s­pec­ti­ve and exis­ting dog owners will find all infor­ma­ti­on about dogs. The goal: ani­mal wel­fa­re through know­ledge trans­fer. The blog gives clear ans­wers in an over­sup­p­ly of infor­ma­ti­on and advertising.

From mas­sa­ge tips to gift ide­as, infor­ma­ti­on on the rights and obli­ga­ti­ons of dog owners, health and ani­mal wel­fa­re and the serious purcha­se of a pup­py, you will find enter­tai­ning, hel­pful infor­ma­ti­on about peo­p­le and dogs on rundum.dog.

At rundum.dog you can net­work with other dog owners. The more peo­p­le par­ti­ci­pa­te and bring in their net­works, the bet­ter the ani­mal wel­fa­re through edu­ca­ti­on, first-hand qua­li­ty checks and an even bet­ter life for humans and dogs through swarm knowledge.

Find the right puppy reputable

Are you inte­res­ted in get­ting a dog but don’t know who to cont­act? You’­ve heard sto­ries of fraud, suf­fe­ring ani­mals and expen­si­ve fol­low-up medi­cal cos­ts? Won­de­ring how to find a repu­ta­ble breeder? 

Then visit the web­site buy-puppy.info. The­re you will find trust­wor­t­hy cont­act points for purcha­sing your favo­ri­te dog. Rai­sed hap­pi­ly and lovin­g­ly, chip­ped, vac­ci­na­ted and dewor­med with deli­very to the front door and pay­ment upon delivery.

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